Tuesday, 26 May 2009

DuOud - Ping Kong

DuOud have already released two successful albums - `Wild Serenade' and `Sakat' (alongside singer and musician Abdulatif Yagoub). This album`Ping Kong', like the previous ones will have the purists quaking in their boots, but let their boots quake away because this is great stuff.

DuOud aka Smadj and Mehdi Haddab are french-based oud players who combine their north African roots (Tunisian and Algerian, respectively) and contemporary electronic beats to create thier own unique sound. But there is of course more to it than that. The first track `Johnny Guitar' sounds like a score to a spaghetti western movie, other tracks sample Public Enemy (`Nude For Death'), use thrash guitar (`Gensiskan') and fuse drum n`bass (`Oud Art Corps'). Other tracks such as `Luthausore' follow a more traditional path, but are still topped off with DuOud's modern touches.

This is an excellent set and I would it recommend to those who enjoy Oojami or the output on the Barraka El Farnatshi label from the likes of Aiesha Kandisha's Jarring Effects, Amira Saqati etc

To point you in the right direction, here is a clip of DuoOud from 2004 playing `Zanzibar' taken from the album `Wild Serenade'.

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